Law Offices Of Robert M. Bell, P.A. | Immigration And Nationality Attorneys
Robert M. Bell, P.A.

An Immigration Law Firm You Can Trust

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Law Offices Of Robert M. Bell | Immigration And Nationality Attorneys

Naturalization: What You Should Know

Naturalization is the process of becoming a U.S. citizen for people born outside the U.S. who do not meet the requirements for automatic acquisition of citizenship. If you’re looking to become a citizen, then you’ll need to ensure that you are eligible, file Form N-400 (Application for Naturalization) and complete several other steps in the process.

Working with a qualified immigration lawyer can help you confirm eligibility before investing in the application and can streamline your naturalization process. At Robert M. Bell, P.A., we have extensive experience helping immigrants achieve naturalization with as little stress as possible.

What Is Naturalization?

Naturalization is a legal act by which a noncitizen of the U.S. acquires citizenship. This process enables a person to have permanent stability in the U.S. and obtain the other benefits of citizenship within the country.

One of the first steps in the naturalization process is submitting Form N-400. This form is your application to become a naturalized U.S. citizen. It asks for a wide range of information to determine your eligibility to become a citizen. You’ll need to include information about the following:

  • Your basic eligibility
  • Your demographics
  • Your contact details
  • Your current and previous residences
  • Your parents
  • Your employment and schools
  • Your time outside the U.S.
  • Your marital history

Before filing the N-400 form, you must confirm your eligibility for naturalization. This process includes proving that you have a U.S. green card for lawful permanent residence in the U.S. You will also need to meet the eligibility requirements. They stipulate that you must:

  • Have at least five years of lawful permanent residence in the U.S. (with a few exceptions)
  • Not have spent more than one continuous year outside the U.S. in the last five years
  • Justify any absences in excess of six months
  • Live in the state of filing (Florida) for at least three months
  • Be at least 18 years of age and of good moral character
  • Be able to read, write and speak English unless you have a medical disability
  • Pass a U.S. government and history test
  • Swear allegiance to the Constitution and form of government of the U.S.

Once you confirm your eligibility for naturalization and file the N-400 application form, you must wait to learn whether your application is accepted. If it is, you will complete a background check, which includes fingerprinting. Then, you must attend an appointment for an interview with a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) officer.

How To Prepare For Your Interview And Exam

During your interview, the officer will review and confirm the answers on your N-400 form. This is a straightforward interview, and the information that you need is nothing you shouldn’t know. However, strictly because of the high-stakes nature of it, this interview can be stressful, causing you to forget what it is you came there to say. We can help prepare you.

Additionally, once you’ve completed the other steps, you must take an exam that tests your ability to read, write and speak English and your knowledge of the U.S. government and history. Understanding civics and the U.S. government is required for naturalization, and the test will seek to confirm your knowledge in these areas.

We Can Help You Become A Citizen

We are happy to represent clients across Florida in their pursuit of naturalization under U.S. law. We are attorneys who want to help you achieve your immigration goals, no matter what they are. If that means citizenship, we will do what we can to make that a reality. Reach out to us today by calling 954-400-3156 or sending an email to schedule your consultation.