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Law Offices Of Robert M. Bell | Immigration And Nationality Attorneys

USCIS Uses Secure Laminates on Certain Forms

On Behalf of | Oct 19, 2015 | Uncategorized

Last Reviewed/Updated: 10/05/2015

On Oct. 5, 2015, USCIS began applying secure laminates to certain secure forms that authorize travel to the United States. The affected forms are:

• Form I-797F, Transportation Letter, and
• Form I-512L, Parole Authorization Letter.

The secure, transparent laminates provide an extra layer of fraud protection and authenticity. They contain state-of-the-art technology to deter counterfeiting, prevent tampering and allow for quick and accurate authentication by frontline inspectors in the field.

These advancements are part of our ongoing efforts to further enhance and maintain the integrity of secure documents. Previously issued forms will remain valid.

USCIS Uses Secure Laminates on Certain Forms (2015, October). Web. October 19, 2015.
