When a U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident marries a non-U.S. citizen, the new spouse is eligible to apply for a green card. This process is not automatic. In fact, to obtain a marriage-based green card for your spouse, you will need to file specific documents and comply with numerous requirements. Many applicants find it helpful to work with an…
Release Date 09/07/2022 Extension Allows Beneficiaries to Retain TPS and EADs Until March 2024 WASHINGTON — The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) posted for public inspection a Federal Register notice describing how beneficiaries under Venezuela’s existing TPS designation can re-register to retain TPS and renew their Employment Authorization Documents (EADs). Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas previously announced the 18-month extension of the designation…
Green card applications can take a long time to process, even for immediate relatives such as children. If you’re a U.S. lawful permanent resident (LPR), you should know your child may no longer qualify as your immediate relative under certain conditions. If you’re filing Form I-130, keep reading to learn how to best sponsor your child despite the “aging out”…
Las solicitudes de tarjeta verde pueden tardar mucho tiempo en procesarse, incluso para hijos menores. Si usted es un residente permanente legal (RPL) de los EE. UU., debe saber que su hijo al cumplir 21 años puede perder la oportunidad de recibir el estatus de residente permanente. Sin embargo, es posible que reciba cierta protección legal por “envejecimiento”. Si usted…
Divorce is always a challenging personal event, but it can pose an extreme problem for immigrants waiting for green cards. If you applied for a marriage-based green card or your eligibility for a green card is based on marriage to an employee sponsored for a green card by their employer, then you put your immigration status in extreme jeopardy if…
El divorcio siempre es un acontecimiento personal desafiante, pero puede representar un problema muy serio para los inmigrantes que esperan tarjetas de residencia. Si usted solicitó una tarjeta verde basada en el matrimonio o su elegibilidad para una tarjeta verde se basa en el matrimonio con un empleado patrocinado por su empleador para una tarjeta verde, entonces su estatus migratorio…
One of the main questions we receive from those with citizenship applications has to do with the crimes that should be reported on their naturalization application. If you are in the process of applying for U.S. citizenship and have a criminal record in your home country or in the U.S., we always recommend approaching the process with honesty and transparency.…
Una de las principales preguntas que recibimos de aquellas personas con solicitudes de ciudadanía es relativa a los delitos que se deben reportar en la solicitud. Si usted está en proceso de aplicar para su ciudadanía estadounidense y posee antecedentes penales en su país de origen o en EE.UU., recomendamos siempre abordar el proceso con honestidad y transparencia. Con frecuencia…
While marrying a U.S. citizen makes you eligible for an immigrant visa and enables you to obtain a green card, the process is not automatic. The steps you take before, during, and immediately after your marriage can have either a positive or negative effect on your immigration status. An experienced immigration attorney could help you review your options and choose…
Si bien casarse con un ciudadano estadounidense le hace elegible para una visa de inmigrante y le permite obtener una tarjeta verde, el proceso no es automático. Los pasos que tome antes, durante e inmediatamente después de su matrimonio pueden tener un efecto positivo o negativo en su condición migratoria. Un abogado con experiencia en inmigración podría ayudarle a revisar…